Three young women from Israel and the West Bank will be coming to Yardley on Thursday, March 11. They tell an amazing story. The women are peacemakers, and have been participants since 2005 with the nonprofit Creativity for Peace.
Inspired Palestinian and Israeli women bring teenagers--Muslims, Jews, Christians, and others--from Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank to summer camp in New Mexico. They train the girls in group dialogue and healing of trauma and the girls express themselves in art. After their return home, they meet regularly to continue building their relationships.
“Our group of religious leaders met with Creativity’s Israeli director and a couple of girls who had recently completed the program when we visited the Holy Land,” relates the Rev. Al Krass of Levittown. He was one of the members of the Interfaith Community for Middle East Peace (ICMEP)—local Jewish, Christian, and Muslim leaders who went to the Holy Land in 2008 to do Compassionate Listening.
“We were deeply moved by their testimonies, by their commitment. When we learned that three of their young adult leaders were coming to the area, we booked them right away. They have a story that will touch the hearts of people here and awaken new hope for peace.”
March 11, 7:00 PM, Yardley United Methodist Church, 300 Yardley-Newtown Rd., Yardley, PA. More info: 215.547.2656, or Yardley United Methodist Church, 215.493.3345.